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saturday avenue
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A-Frame Cabin

some of our citizens :))

the new Jazz Club modular!

a selection of series 24 minifigs!


about saturday avenue

saturday avenue began a few years ago as a small cluster of three modulars:  the Palace Cinema, the Parisian Restaurant, and the Downtown Diner.   

today, we have a bustling city populated with hundreds of happy minifigs and featuring 12 modulars, plus the Spring Lantern Festival & Ninjago City Gardens!

saturday avenue is a LEGO™ city block 144x144 studs square, displayed on a rotating tabletop that freely spins 360°. 
all lights in the city are battery-powered so as not to limit free rotation of the display.


write to us!

we welcome comments & questions! 

if you'd like to contact us, please do so via this form: